Laboratory of Autonomous Robots and Intelligent Systems
LARIS brings together researchers, graduate and undergraduate students working on research projects aimed at developing robots and intelligent systems that are able to operate autonomously in complex and diverse environments. Achieving this goal involves pushing state of the art in several different approaches, such as Routing; Scheduling; Path Planning; Exploration, Mapping and Monitoring of Environments; Location; Autonomous Navigation System; Modeling, Filtering and Control Systems; Fusion of signals; and Machine Learning.
The laboratory has projects funded by research support foundations, collaborations with other universities in the country and the world, and companies.
Research areas
- Automation
- Robotic Manipulators
- Mobile Robotics
- Educational Robotics
- Control Systems
- Embedded Systems
- Intelligent Systems
- Machine Learning
- Applications of Evolutionary and Bio-inspired Algorithms
Currently, LARIS is composed by the researchers:
Visit of Professor Roland Siegwart from ETH Zurich to LARIS!!! (01/06/2019) |
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